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Showing posts from 2012

My Environmental Club at CPGE IBN Taimiya

This is the link that shows the schools that participated in MOBILZE U , and our school is the only one to participate from MOROCCO: IBN TAIMIYA Earth Day Participating Schools ---USA Initiative--- How did the story begin ? It was all about a presentation I did, about the theme we had last year Social Development.So, I prepared the presentation and I rehearse it before going to class,meanwhile ,I thought about how I would tease students'curiosity and make them participate in the debate. Then, I said why not to talk with them on changing the aspect of our preparatory classes, 'coz as a famous school, it's a shame to have such a disgusting courtyard without trees or joyful plants. then ,at the end of my presentation , I mentionned the idea ,and Mr Rasmy 'our english teacher' liked it and did share it with the coordinator of our school. Then it comes the IDEA OF CREATING this Club,which I named "ENVIRONMENTAL CLUB OF IBN TAIMIYA". I'm sure ...