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1 What runs but has no legs?
Your nose a river a comb your word a bottle
2 What runs but has no legs?
A tap a river a comb your word a bottle
3 What can stay in the same corner but, at the same time, travel around the world?
A tap a stamp a comb your word a bottle
4 What has a mouth but does not speak?
A towel a river a comb a book a bottle
5 What is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty?
A tap a stamp a blackboard your word a bottle
6 What has a bed but does not sleep?
A towel a river a comb a book a bottle
7 What has teeth but cannot bite?
a towel a river a comb a book a bottle
8 What has a neck but no head?
a towel a river a comb your word a bottle
9 What can you look through but not see through?
a tap a stamp a blackboard a book a bottle
10 What gets wet as it dries?
a towel a river a comb a book a bottle
11 What can you give to somebody but still keep yourself?
a towel a river a comb your word a bottle
12 When is a door not a door? When it is ______ .
a tap a stamp a blackboard a book a jar .


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NOCOPY Parameter Hint in PL/SQL

Before we get to understanding the NOCOPY parameter hint in PL/SQL, it would help to first look at PL/SQL parameter modes and the ways in which they pass values in and out of a subprogram. PL/SQL subprograms have three parameter modes: IN parameter mode is used to send values into the subprogram from the calling program. An IN parameter can only be read, its value cannot be modified inside the subprogram. OUT parameter mode is used to return values from the subprogram to the calling program. IN OUT parameter mode is a hybrid of IN and OUT. It is used to send values into the subprogram, and its value can be modified within the subprogram. On exit, the subprogram returns the updated value of the IN OUT parameter to the calling program.  Continue reading at Source :  NOCOPY Parameter Hint in PL/SQL