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Ronald Reagan

Ronald Reagan (1911-2004) An American states man, the fortieth president of united states of America (1981-1989) who assert himself as the initiator of the conservative revolution exalting the national pride and the traditional values.
Ronald Reagan was born on the sixth February 1911, in Tampico, Illinois. His father was an American of Irish origin, he was a shoe seller.
Graduated from eureka college in 1932, he worked as a sportive reporter, and then he followed an actor career in Hollywood where he performed for fiftieth films.
During the years 1950, he turned to the policy, democrat originally, he evolved and became a conservative republican .Elected as the governor of California in 1966, and he tried to be selected for the Republican Party to the presidential election but without success.
As a Republican candidate in 1980, he had beaten the outgoing democrat president Jimmy Carter.


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